Bii o ṣe le ṣe atilẹyin eto ajẹsara ti ologbo

Bii o ṣe le ṣe atilẹyin eto ajẹsara ti ologbo

Cats, like humans, have immune defenses against pathogenic bacteria and viruses. It recognizes “enemies” and attacks them, preventing significant harm to the body. Is there any way to strengthen it?

Sometimes the cat’s immunity can be reduced due to exhaustion, chronic diseases, surgical interventions, physical inactivity or lack of vitamins. Also, the immune system needs support during pregnancy and feeding kittens.

Signs of decreased immunity in a cat:

  • lethargy, passivity;
  • isonu ti yanilenu;
  • pipadanu iwuwo;
  • dull, bad looking coat;
  • discharge from the eyes and/or nose.

If your pet has one or more of these signs, you should contact your veterinarian. Cats with a weakened immune system can contract dangerous infections or parasites even if they don’t go outside.

How does immunity appear?

There are two types of immune defense: innate and acquired. The first is inherited by the kitten from its parents, and the second is developed after meeting with antigens – this can be a past illness or vaccination. 

Timely vaccinations help build immunity without harm to the health of the cat. Acquired immune protection can also be passive, that is, received by kittens from the mother through her milk.

Bii o ṣe le ṣe atilẹyin eto ajẹsara ti ologbo

So that the pet’s immune defenses are not weakened, it is important to pay attention to his lifestyle:

  • Timely vaccination. All cats need vaccinations, even those that do not go outside. The reason is that pathogens can enter the home along with road dust on the wearer’s shoes.

  • Antiparasitic treatment. The immunity of pets is often reduced by helminths or other parasites. It is necessary to consult with a veterinarian when choosing an anthelmintic drug and give it to the cat every 3 months (unless otherwise indicated). If the cat walks outside the house, you need to pick up funds from blood-sucking parasites – ticks and fleas.

  • Nutrition as a way to strengthen the immunity of cats. Cat nutrition should be complete and balanced in terms of nutrients, contain enough vitamins and minerals. The easiest way to achieve this is with ready-made commercial feed, but you can make the right diet from products yourself, but you will need the help of a veterinary nutritionist to determine the exact formula for such a diet.

  • Išipopada. Physical activity keeps all body systems working well and supports the immune system. Even if the pet is lazy or aged, you can buy him some interactive toys and devote time to activities and games.

  • Idinku wahala. As you know, excessive emotional stress suppresses the immune system. Stressful situations in the life of a pet are best minimized. If a small child has appeared in the house, you need to make a shelter for the cat in which she will feel safe.

Vitamins for cats for immunity: are they needed?

Some cat owners self-prescribe their pets drugs to strengthen the immune system: these can be vitamins, immunity drugs and other supplements. But this should be done only as prescribed by a veterinary specialist, since the uncontrolled use of vitamins can lead to such a dangerous condition as hypervitaminosis. Moreover, an excess of some vitamins can affect the absorption of others – their balance is very important.

In the case of chronic diseases, after operations and in case of exhaustion, when the owners picked up a homeless pet, the veterinarian may prescribe a vitamin complex or special preparations that are suitable for a particular animal. If a cat is healthy, active, well fed, vaccinated on schedule, and treated for parasites, then her immune system will be good without any supplements.

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