Gbingbin chinchillas: le heterosexual ati ibalopo -kọọkan gbe papo ni kanna ẹyẹ
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Gbingbin chinchillas: le heterosexual ati ibalopo -kọọkan gbe papo ni kanna ẹyẹ

Gbingbin chinchillas: le heterosexual ati ibalopo -kọọkan gbe papo ni kanna ẹyẹ

Planting chinchillas is a crucial step for an owner who decides to breed them or just get a friend for a fluffy pet. After all, the animals will need time to get used to each other and learn to share one territory.

How to plant chinchillas

In their natural habitat, these rodents live in large groups, but at home, chinchillas can live alone, while feeling quite comfortable. And a pet, accustomed to being the only rightful owner of his home, may negatively perceive a new neighbor sharing with him. So that the animals do not experience panic and stress during the landing, several rules should be observed during such an important process, taking into account not only the age, but also the sex of the animals.

General rules for planting rodents:

Before you let a new resident into the cage, you must observe a thirty-day quarantine to make sure that the acquired pet is completely healthy:

  • the first acquaintance of fluffy rodents is best done in the daytime, when they are sleepy and calm;
  • there should be shelters in the cage so that the animal can hide in case of an attack by an aggressive neighbor;
  • when planting animals, you can invite them to take a joint bath of sand, this will bring them closer and relax;
  • regarding how many chinchillas can be kept in one cage, it is advisable to house no more than three or four rodents together, and then on condition that the cage is spacious enough;
  • if the chinchilla is used to living alone for several years, then the animal may refuse to accept a new neighbor at all, and in this case, it is better to leave everything as it is.
Gbingbin chinchillas: le heterosexual ati ibalopo -kọọkan gbe papo ni kanna ẹyẹ
The first acquaintance should be carried out in the afternoon

Important: in no case should pets be left unattended during this process, because in case of a fierce fight of rodents, immediate intervention of the owner will be required.

Sitting together same-sex chinchillas

Chinchillas, living without a mate, are easier to tame and more attached to the owner. But, if the owner does not have the opportunity to devote a lot of time to the pet, the best way out is to add a friend to him.

When purchasing a same-sex friend for a furry pet, the owner should be aware that only boys can get along together. Perhaps at first two males will start quarrels and fights with each other, but as they get used to it, they will become, if not friends, then good neighbors.

Two adult female chinchillas will not get along with each other, so putting them in one cage is not even worth trying. Only chinchilla sisters from the same family, or girls who were brought up together from a young age, can share a home.

Video: what age difference is acceptable when planting chinchillas

Какая разница в возрасте допустима при Ссаживании Шиншилл!!!

How to plant chinchillas of different sexes

Knowing the behavioral features of females and males, you can avoid a conflict situation when planting heterosexual fluffy pets:

Important: if the female categorically does not want to mate with the male and continues to behave aggressively, it is better to find a new partner for her.

Chinchilla and guinea pig in the same cage

It is theoretically possible to house a chinchilla and a guinea pig together, because they are similar in size and way of feeding. In addition, both of these rodents are friendly and peaceful and can become true friends.

Gbingbin chinchillas: le heterosexual ati ibalopo -kọọkan gbe papo ni kanna ẹyẹ
A dexterous chinchilla cannot be kept together with a pig

But keeping them in the same cage without extreme necessity is still not recommended. The fact is that the cages of fluffy pets are equipped with shelves at different heights, and guinea pigs cannot jump. And, if the pig climbs onto the shelf, it can, falling from it, break its paw or damage the internal organs, which is fraught with the death of the animal.

Therefore, let the pets who become friends communicate and play during joint walks, but each should have a separate dwelling.

Chinchilla and rabbit in the same cage

Rodent lovers sometimes keep a decorative rabbit and a chinchilla in the same house. Releasing their little pets to walk around the apartment, many owners notice that the animals show interest in each other and even play together. Watching the touching friendship of fluffy animals, the owners decide that the rabbit and chinchilla together will also get along well in the same cage, but this is a big mistake.

There are several reasons why it is impossible to keep these animals in the same dwelling:

Gbingbin chinchillas: le heterosexual ati ibalopo -kọọkan gbe papo ni kanna ẹyẹ
Chinchilla and rabbit can play together

Important: despite the apparent fragility, rabbits are quite strong animals. If a fight breaks out between furry pets for food or territory, the rabbit can cause serious injury to the chinchilla. Therefore, they can not only be kept in the same cage, but also follow the pets during joint walks.

Chinchilla and hamster in the same cage

A chinchilla and a hamster together in the same cage also do not get along, because these animals differ not only in size, character and behavior. Furry pets have very different body needs and it is not recommended to feed them with the same food.

Chinchilla food contains mostly cereals, dried herbs and seeds, while prepared hamster food contains dried fruits and vegetables, which are of no benefit to animals from South America. Fresh vegetables and fruits, which are a delicacy for hamsters, should also not be consumed by chinchillas.

The menu of hamsters can sometimes be diversified with dairy products, but giving milk or cottage cheese to a chinchilla is contraindicated, as this will lead to the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in pets or even food poisoning.

Do not forget that, despite their miniature size, hamsters are quite aggressive, especially Dzungarian ones. A small pet can attack a fluffy neighbor and injure her badly with his sharp teeth.

Gbingbin chinchillas: le heterosexual ati ibalopo -kọọkan gbe papo ni kanna ẹyẹ
Chinchilla and hamster shouldn’t live together

Experts advise against keeping chinchillas with degus, rats, hamsters and other rodents. If the owner wants to get a friend for a furry pet, then he should remember that these cute and shy animals feel most comfortable either alone or in the company of their own compatriots.

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