Awọn arun awọ ara ni awọn ologbo

Awọn arun awọ ara ni awọn ologbo

What is the largest organ in a cat? Of course, the skin. It protects the body from wounds, hypothermia, overheating, dehydration, the penetration of pathogens and other harmful environmental factors. With such a load, it is not surprising that skin diseases are so common. In our article, we will talk about the most common dermatological diseases in cats and their prevention.

Each of us at least once in a lifetime had a skin rash or dermatitis. The same thing happens with pets. You may notice redness or peeling, scratching, sores, rashes, bald patches on the cat’s body. In this situation, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Diagnosis of a dermatological disease is a complex process. The manifestations of skin diseases are very similar, and a huge number of factors can provoke them. Itching, scratching and other skin lesions cause great discomfort to the animal and open the body to infections. The sooner you start treatment, the easier it will be to deal with the problem.

Skin diseases can appear quite suddenly, at any age, regardless of the state of health, breed or sex of the animal.

The most common dermatological diseases of cats: lichen, scabies, bacterial infection, flea and atopic dermatitis,. Some of them a cat becomes infected from others (for example, from other cats or dogs), others arise as a reaction to some kind of irritant.

Awọn arun awọ ara ni awọn ologbo

Unfortunately, the owner cannot protect his pet from the influence of all negative factors and predict in advance his reaction to them. But there are steps you can take to help minimize the risk of skin problems. Here they are:

– treatment of a pet from parasites,

– limiting contact with other animals, especially homeless ones;

– regular hygiene procedures corresponding to the characteristics of a particular cat,

– a balanced diet that provides the body with the necessary vitamins, minerals and fats. In dermatological conditions, cats are prescribed special diets to maintain skin function (example: Monge Dermatosis Grain-Free Medicated Diet),

– no stress

– constant monitoring of the health of the pet.

Remember that any factors that negatively affect the functioning of the immune system can provoke skin problems.

Treatment depends on the specific disease and is prescribed only by a veterinarian based on the results of tests and examination. Any self-activity is dangerous!

Take care of your pets and may they never get sick!

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