Kini idi ti aja kan maa n jade ahọn rẹ: awọn idi akọkọ

Kini idi ti aja kan maa n jade ahọn rẹ: awọn idi akọkọ

Surely many readers at least once wondered why a dog often sticks out its tongue. Is this a natural condition or a disease? Should I be worried about this, or not? In fact, all options may be correct. Let’s try to understand this issue in more detail.

Why does a dog often stick out natural language

В most cases yọ sita language is natural, and here’s why:

  • Often the answer to the question why the dog often sticks out his tongue, lies in genetics. Representatives brachycephalic breeds – that is, those with flattened muzzles – have a problematic breath. And all because of the transformation of the upper respiratory tract, which was formed breeders long years of selection. After all, short-faced individuals used great popularity! Unfortunately, had to pay like this feature. As a result, constantly open mouth – an ordinary animal instinct to breathe better. In addition to this, representatives similar breeds often have a very long tongue that is difficult to fit in the mouth. We are talking about Pekingese, pugs, bulldogs, for example.
  • High temperature environment – it encourages animals to regulate their temperature state. If this is not done, aja, more likely to get heatstroke. The fact is that the sweat glands in dogs a little – on the paw pads and on the nose. It is they who remove the liquid and cool body temperature. The rest of the glands affect another – the allocation of a secret, which lubricates the fur. That is, that that there is not enough. Helps out tongue – namely, the evaporation of moisture from it, which relieves the system a bit blood supply from excess heat. If you watch the dogs, it will become it is clear that a short-haired pet will stick out their tongue less often than longhaired. In the latter case, this the phenomenon will be permanent character. And all because because of the abundant coats to cool such dogs more difficult.
  • Physical activity – again, it leads to excess heat. Let’s not forget and that the muscles are in a state of increased works also generate heat in a huge quantity. After an active game, jogging the dog is forced to it left the body.
  • Relaxed state – and in this, the opposite previous, case, doggy tongue leans out. After eating, such an action needed to get rid of excess saliva. What if the tip of the tongue hangs down while resting, it means that the animal is maximally concentrated on a rest.
  • Elevated mood is the reason by which the tongue protrudes in this state is that the dog in a fit of delight I want to lick person, things she likes. В in the future, this action helps the animal recognize what you like, and instantly remember your reaction. Therefore, if the dog constantly sticks out tongue in front of guests and strives to lick them, don’t bother him. It means that then he will treat them with sympathy.
  • Pregnancy animal – more precisely, its last period. Due to the fact that the fetus grows, they appear breathing problems of the expectant mother. Still: after all, all organs are several squeezed! But don’t worry because after childbirth everything comes again back to normal.
  • Dog trying to get better at smells – this happens due to moisture nose lobes. Molecules appear to be as a result, they interact better. with receptors. And when the mouth is open and tongue sticking out, a stream of warm air affects receptors even better.

When to stick out your tongue abnormal: determine the causes

But there are also cases when the protruding language is a signal of a problem:

  • Stress – a kind of emotional arousal similar in manifestation to joy. going on a rush of blood, and the dog urgently needs release excess heat. Only a joyful dog is, of course, more calm, but those who are under stress do not find place for yourself.
  • Obesity – they suffer most often due to lack of normal physical activity. At the same time, the language may begin to acquire some blueness. This means that the pet acquired cardiovascular problems system. However, overweight this is completely unsurprising.
  • But Unfortunately, even physically active dogs may have problems with heart. This is typical for representatives large breeds, and the root of the problem stretches to a genetic predisposition. You can recognize this moment by inconsistent, usually not characteristic of pet, breath.
  • problems, associated with bite – tongue in such case simply does not fit in the mouth. It will also fall out if dogs in the presence of not all teeth.
  • Pinching nerve endings that have relation to the glossopharyngeal muscles. Check this can be done by touching the dog’s tongue – in a healthy state, he should clean up. But if the tongue remains hanging, which means there is neurological problem.
  • Nervous nodes can be affected and intoxications. And in their difficult manifestation. dog at times like this vomiting, diarrhea appears, disappears appetite, sometimes appear bloody selection. Intoxication sometimes occurs because of worms – the so-called “helminthic invasion”.
  • Respiratory infection – with it, animals also stick out their tongues. Lethargy, cough be indicative of such a problem. How and the temperature that makes you want cool the body by sticking out the tongue.
  • Problems with digestion – the dog becomes lethargic, suffering from diarrhea. Often happens and vomiting. Color languages ​​may well change. Except, of course, chow-chow – these dogs have the tongue is purple. Completely in the patient dogs can also have sores.
  • Stomatitis – the animal with this diagnosis is lethargic, drinks a lot, chews carefully food. Often there is a temperature which, of course, makes you want stick out tongue.

Как practice shows, even the dog breeders themselves sometimes don’t know why their pets are often stick out their tongues. But still similar knowledge is useful, because at the first suspicious signs of host can save time immediately began to help.

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